Q – How does eFiling work?
A – Electronic filing of court documents occurs through our eFiling Portal. The user creates an account and the electronic filing system manages the flow of the documents and fees to and from the court. The filer will submit the documents, the court will accept or reject the documents, once accepted, the filings are posted onto the Court’s case management system.
Q – I am an attorney; do I have to eFile?
A – Presently, eFiling is optional.
Q – I am a self-represented litigant; do I have to eFile?
A – Presently, eFiling is optional.
Q – How do I submit documents exempt or presently not supported by eFiling?
A – Documents that are exempt or not supported by eFiling can be submitted in the Clerk’s Office between the office hours of 8:00AM and to 12:00 P.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M during regular operations or by mail. Documents may also be submitted by dropbox until further notice.
Q – How do I get started?
A – The eFiling Portal is at the following URL – eFiling Portal.
Q – Can I use my personal computer to eFile?
A – Yes, you can submit filings through the eFiling Portal. You will be using the internet to submit your documents for filing. You will upload the document(s) as an attachment. For instructions, refer to eFiling Instructions.
Q – What are the limits to the size of the files being submitted?
A – There are two limits. 20MB is the limit per document. 100MB is the limit per order.
Q – What Electronic Filing Service Provider (EFSP) can I use?
A – Presently, we only provide eFiling via our eFiling Portal.
Q – Why do I have to register as an electronic filer?
A – Registration as an electronic filer is required to establish an account for your electronically filed documents. Your account will allow you to check the status of your electronically filed documents as well as download stamped documents.
Q – Is there a cost to eFile?
A – Yes, there are service fees associated with the electronic payment process collected by nCourt – electronic payment processor. The filing fees are similar in both the manual court counter or remote electronic processing. (See payment information.)
Q – Are eFiling convenience fees recoverable?
A – Refer to the Code of Civil Procedure section 1033.5.
Q – What type of payments do you accept?
A – All major debit or credit cards are accepted. See nCourt for more specific types.
Q – Do court-appointed attorneys have to eFile and pay the convenience fee for electronic filing?
A – No, eFiling is optional for all users including court-appointed attorneys.
A – No, court-appointed attorneys will be exempted from filing fees for the appointed case.
Q – Once I electronically file a document, what is the typical turnaround time for processing?
A – Turnaround time will depend on the type of document filed; however, typically an electronically filed document will be processed by the court within 24-48 hours. Proposed orders and other documents requiring further action by the court will require additional time for processing.
Q – Are my electronically filed documents printed for the court file?
A – No, documents that are electronically filed and accepted by the court are uploaded to the Court’s case management system. This allows the court staff and judicial officers to electronically view the case documents without printing the document or maintaining a physical court file. The electronic record is the official court record pursuant to Government Code 68150(a).
Q – What are the filing hours for eFiling?
A – You may submit your filings electronically 24 hours a day. Any filings received up to 11:59 p.m. will be deemed received or filed on the same business day; any filings submitted after midnight will be deemed received or filed the next business day. Any filings received after 11:59 p.m. on Friday will be deemed received or filed on Monday at 12:00 a.m. or the next business day at 12:00 a.m. if Monday is a holiday. Time references are Pacific Standard Time.
Q – What date will my document be “Filed” if I eFile after 5:00 p.m.?
A – The court will honor the filing date through 11:59 p.m. the day a document is electronically submitted, except if a document is rejected.
Q – Are documents available to the public upon submission, or upon processing?
A – A filing party may view documents submitted immediately through the eFiling Portal. All other parties will be able to access the processed document(s) via the public kiosk at the court locations or remotely on the Public Portal. A document is not considered filed until it is accepted by the court.
Q – What is a transaction?
A – A transaction is the filing of a document, or group of documents, in one single submission through the eFiling Portal.
Q – Where is the filed stamp?
A – The court is utilizing a filing stamp “ribbon” which will appear on the top right of the first page of the document.
Q – What are typical rejection reasons?
A – Typical reasons why filings are rejected by the court are as follows:
- Filing has not been paid
- Duplicate filing
- Incomplete filing
- Filings submitted to the incorrect venue/court
- Party’s name does not match the party’s name listed on the document for initial documents
- Party’s address does match the party’s address listed on the document for initial documents
- Fails to comply with the rules of Local Rules, California Rules of Court or other governing authority
Q – How will I know what Judicial Officer my Petition is assigned to?
A – For Civil cases, the Judicial Officer assignment can be viewed on the Notice of Case Assignment and Notice of Hearing via the Public Portal. The notice must be served on all defendant(s)/respondent(s).
Q – How do I obtain a copy of the issued Summons?
A – You must access a copy of the issued Summons via the Public Portal.
Q – How do I get a copy of a previously submitted proposed order that has been filed?
A – You must request a copy through Records Management by visiting the Court’s website or by visiting the Criminal clerk’s office during clerk’s office hours.
Q – How can I file an expungement?
A – At this time, the Criminal department is not accepting expungements electronically. You can submit your filings in person to the Clerk’s Office during normal business hours or by mail. Documents may also be submitted by dropbox located outside each court location. All forms must be neatly and legibly printed in blue or black ink or typed. Please view the Cleaning Your Record/Expungement section of the Self-Help page on the public website for further information and instructions.
Family Law
Q – I do not know what forms I need to file. How can I get help?
A – If you need information about how/what to file you can contact the Self Help Department for assistance in determining what paperwork you may need to submit. You can reach them in person at 180 East Weber Avenue, Suite 105 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8:00 AM to 11:00 and 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM, or Wednesday’s from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM or via email at Once you are ready to file you can submit your filings directly to the Clerk’s Office between the office hours of 8:00 AM to 12:00 P.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M or by mail. Documents may also be submitted by dropbox until further notice. When you are ready to file make sure to include 3 sets of copies plus filing fee or fee waiver if applicable and a self-addressed stamped envelope. If you need to know what the filing fees are you can contact the clerks’ office through the support link on the main page of the Courts website or by phone between 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM @ 209-992-5690.
Q – How can I file a Request for Domestic Violence restraining order or Request for Elder Abuse Restraining Order?
A –– At this time Family Law is not electronically accepting filings that require further processing and/or a Judicial Officer signature. You can submit your filings in person to the Clerk’s Office between the office hours of 8:00 AM to 12:00 P.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M during regular operations or by mail. Documents may also be submitted by dropbox until further notice. Please note if you submit your papers before 10:00AM directly to the Clerk’s Office, the restraining order will be ready the same day between 3:30PM and 4:00PM. If you submit your papers after 10:00AM directly to the Clerk’s Office, they will be ready the following business day between 3:30PM and 4:00PM. All forms must be neatly and legibly printed in blue or black ink or typed. Do not use lined or colored paper for any attachments you may want to make.
Q – I currently have a Family Law case, how can I request an order for child support, spousal support and/or custody?
A – At this time Family Law is not electronically accepting filings that require filing fees and further processing. You can submit your filing in person to the Clerk’s Office between the office hours of 8:00AM to 12:00 P.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M during regular operations or by mail. Documents may also be submitted by dropbox until further notice. When you are ready to file make sure to include 3 sets of copies plus filing fee or fee waiver if applicable and a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Q – How can I file for a new case?
A – At this time Family Law is not electronically accepting filings that require filing fees and further processing. You can submit your filing in person to the Clerk’s Office between the office hours of 8:00AM to 12:00 P.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M during regular operations or by mail. Documents may also be submitted by dropbox until further notice. When you are ready to file make sure to include 3 sets of copies plus filing fee or fee waiver if applicable and a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Q – How can I submit a:
1. Request for default and/or Judgment
2. Request for dismissal
3. Findings and Order After Hearing
4. Request for Order with or without temporary orders
5. Order to Show Cause for Contempt
6. Writ of Execution or Abstract
7. Qualified Domestic Relation Order
8. Any order requiring a Judicial Officers signature
9. At-Issue Memorandum
A – At this time Family Law is not electronically accepting filings that require filing fees, further processing and/or a Judicial Officer signature. You can submit your filings in person to the Clerk’s Office between the office hours of 8:00AM to 12:00 P.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M during regular operations or by mail. Documents may also be submitted by dropbox until further notice When you are ready to file make sure to include 3 sets of copies plus filing fee or fee waiver if applicable and a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Q – How do I eFile an Initial Petition with an original Will?
A – eFile the initiating document along with applicable fees. Once accepted, submit the Original Will in person or by mail.
Q – Will new petitions be scheduled for hearing within a specific time period?
A – Yes, new petitions will be scheduled on a next available time slot within one to two days but it could be as long as up to 4 days (including weekends and holidays).
Small Claims
Q – How do I obtain a copy of the Plaintiff’s Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court?
A – You must access a copy of the filed claim via the Public Portal.